

propensity to pay

Patient Payments

4 Keys To Improving Self-Pay Collections In 2021

Micro-segmentation of patient accounts and machine learning equip healthcare providers to shift to an ROI-focused approach to patient collections -- while maintaining empathy improving patient engagement.

Justin Nicols
June 19, 2019
Healthcare Payments

Rural & Community Hospitals Need AI The Most

Unpaid patient medical bills are a growing problem for community hospitals and a downright crippling problem for rural hospitals. These healthcare providers can’t afford not to optimize their revenue cycle, improve their understanding of patient payment behavior and implement collection strategies based on their unique patient populations.

Justin Nicols
June 19, 2019
Patient Payments

Stop Using Credit Scores For Propensity To Pay

Consumer debt on credit reports is not an indicator of a patient's (or rather, consumer’s) ability or willingness to pay their healthcare bills. Most propensity to pay models rely on credit scores. Healthcare providers need to know how their payments perform — taking into account the uniqueness of their facilities, providers, specialties and regions.

Justin Nicols
June 19, 2019